Boy's Rainbow Cup, brass, iron and plastic, made by Griffin & Sons Ltd, London, 1850-1924 (Wellcome No. B1452 & A195653) Boy's Rainbow Cup 1850-1924
Velox exposure meter, made by John J. Griffin and ons Ltd. Based at 20-26 Sardinia Street, London, WC. 5-step wedge with tissue paper steps - none, one, two, three, four, thicknesses, increasing paper thickness. Numbered 1 1/2, 3, 6 and 9. In card frame with printed instruction on the surround Velox exposure meter 1894-1904
Schilowsky demonstration gyrostat mounted in gimbles on a stand with trolley and weight accessories to demonstrate the use of gyroscopes in balancing mono rail systems; made by Griffin & Sons. Schilowsky demonstration gyrostat 1913